Sunday, January 4, 2015

Need a Mommy Moment?

Hey mommies,

I hope you all had a great weekend and a happy new year! Mine was used for rest and relaxation before the week gets hectic and yes it will get hectic! I wanted to take a second to talk to you all today about having what I call a "Mommy Moment". A mommy moment is something that I believe all of us mothers need in order to keep our homes and families in working order. It is a time where you can take for yourself and go do something that you want to do. It can be going to a spa, getting your nails or hair done, or simply reading a book at home in your favorite reading corner.

I usually have my mommy moments just after my husband leaves for work at 5 am in the morning. After making sure he gets off okay and has everything he needs, I go make my morning coffee, take my iPhone and turn on my music. I do a sip and listen for about 30 minutes before waking up my two older children for school. On weekends I have my mommy moment before I make my family breakfast which is usually before 7 am.

I firmly believe that having your mommy is very important and should be put into your daily routine. As a stay at home mom, you wear many hats and a lot of the time you have to juggle two or three things at one time. By incorporating this into your daily or weekly routine, you cut a lot of stress and discomfort from your life and ultimately you become a better and much happier mommy. So take this time to figure out what it is that you like doing and then take that time to do it on a daily or weekly basis. Remember, having your mommy moment does not mean that you have to spend a lot of money, in fact many activities that you can do doesn't cost any money at all!

To all of you new mommies, don't feel bad that you need time away from your baby. Its normal to feel that way when you first leave your baby for some me time, but trust me, it can help you in more ways than one, and will help you be more refreshed when doing all of those awesome mommy things. This week's goal should be to find your favorite activity and then find time to do it (without the kids or hubby)! Well until next time my loves, take care and be well!

aka wife and mommy!

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