Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Lost loves

Good evening readers,

I wanted to start off by saying thank you to all of you who have took out time to read my blog entries and take in all I had to say. It means the world to me that I am getting such great feedback and support from all over. I have decided to change the name of this blog to Pillow Conversations: Lets talk about it. I made this change because my posts are not just about wife and motherhood. Its about life and lets face it life happens. The content that will be displayed here will be about everything that we as human beings go through in this lifetime. Sometimes, reading someone Else's story may help you with whatever you are going through at that moment in time. I will be posting daily blog entries and each entry will be a new topic. Your feedback and comments are most welcomed and anything you would like to see on here as a topic, please feel free to contact me via email at mrselmore1806@gmail.com .

Tonight's topic is going to be about losing those you love. I wanted to talk about this because a dear friend of mine just lost her sister today from cancer. They were very close as many sisters are and i know that losing her must of been devastating. I lost my mother when i was 11 years old and I still feel like it was yesterday. I miss her everyday and the pain doesn't go away at all, i think that it just becomes numb enough for you to go through your day to day life. The thought of losing anyone that is close to you can be very stressful, painful and you feel like your world is over.

How do you cope when you have lost someone you love? I wanted to write this entry in honor of my friend's sister. She is being so strong right now for her family and herself and I want commend her for her strength. I am going to keep it short tonight and just end this by saying to anyone out there that is going through this as well...It will get better. You will wake up the next morning and each day will get a little easier than the day before. Remember those awesome moments that you had with that person and try to live your life the best way you know how. Honor them by staying strong and keep moving forward. Life is not over...its only the beginning.

Peace and blessings,


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