Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Black History Month

I'm sitting in my car waiting on my daughter to come out of school and i realized its February! Now many people associate this month to be Valentine's Day, however it's also a month to celebrate those who have fallen to try to make our world better! It's a month to learn about those who have improved our technologies today. It's a month where we can learn about the past so we can take our future by the horns! Yes people I'm talking about black history month! 

Many Americans only recognize this month because they feel it's the "right thing to do"! They put up pictures of Dr. Martin Luther King and replay his "I Have a Dream" speech. They discuss how Rosa Parks wouldn't get up from her seat on the bus to fight for equal rights. These people are very much important in our Black History, but they are not the only ones! They are just a couple of people who happened to get the most attention in an already bad situation back In those days.

 What I will be doing starting tomorrow and going forward for the rest of the month, is present those amazing African Americans who made a huge difference in our past but who are not largely talked about or recognized.  I will be showing you those people who invented products we use today on a daily basis. I will show you the ones whose life was taken thus starting the Civil Rights Movement. Let's take this journey together and explore the roots of people who put their lives in danger for our rights as freed people today. 

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